Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Where We Meet

11:00am - 12:15pm (Common Hour)
Room 208

Fall 2012 Update (First Meeting)

Hey Everyone,

       So we had our first meeting today. It was kind of short but, sweet and to the point. For those of you who came you got the rundown on what is going to be happening and some of our ideas. Remember to pick out a song to sing a part of this Wednesday, September 5th. THIS IS NOT A TRY OUT, so don't panic. This is only a voice placement "survey" for lack of a better word. It is only to place you in the appropriate section for what works with your voice and range. EVERYONE and ANYONE can join. We have two songs picked out already and the third you guys are going to pick out. To submit a song go to and make sure that it has two music symbols next to it. I will include a picture at the bottom. Be in mind you do NOT have to buy the music your self, the club will buy the music. You just need to check for a song you would want to sing/perform. The next meeting will be at Suffolk Community College (of course) in the Islip Arts Building in room 208. See you then!!
These are the symbols you need to look for on