Monday, February 25, 2013

Ball in the House

Remember everyone we are going to be seeing Ball in the House on Wednesday. Everyone please meet in the Babylon Student Center. Seats are first come first serve, so try to be on time.

New President

Our current president Brittany Ahrens is temporarily stepping down from office, due to a heavy school work load. Until the Fall semester Bethany Scola our Vice President will be taking over as President. This is only until Fall Semester. The club will resume with everything as usual. See you all Wednesday with your $25 for the T-Shirts.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

T-Shirt Money due the 27th

Hey Everyone,
    So the t-shirts are finally ready. Everyone needs to bring 25 dollars on Monday, February the 25th if you will be there. If you can't be there Monday I have to at least have it by Wednesday because if we go to invitational we want to have the shirts. If you don't have it buy Wednesday the 27th then you aren't getting a shirt, and also means that everyone that wanted a name on there shirt might not be able to get there name do to bulk pricing. So please have your $25 no later than Wednesday the 27th. Thanks everyone.
                                       ~Bethany and Brittany